Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy explains how information about You is collected, used, and disclosed by Your access or use of this Site or otherwise as a result of Your interactions with Us. By visiting this Site directly or through another site, You accept the terms and conditions of this Policy. This Policy applies to this Site. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any website not operated by Us to which this Site links or that links to this Site.
We respect children’s privacy. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under age 13. Elsewhere on the Site, you have represented and warranted that you are either 18 years of age or using the Site with the supervision of a parent or guardian. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any personal information to Us, and rely on a parent or guardian to assist you.
Information Collection
We collect information from you in several different ways on this Site.

Information We Collect Automatically
We may also automatically collect information about you when you access including:

  • Device Information: We collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access Our Services, such as the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers, mobile network information, and browsing behavior.
  • Location Information: We may collect information about the precise location of your device when you consent to the collection of this information. We may also collect information about your approximate location each time you access this Site.
  • Information Collected by Cookies and other Tracking Technologies: We may use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to collect information about you and your interaction with this Site, including information about your browsing behavior, purchase behavior, and other engagement with the Services. We use this information in one or more of the ways described in the "Use of Information" section below. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can usually change your browser settings to remove or reject cookies.

Information Use and Disclosure

Communications with You
We will use your personal information to communicate with you about this Site . Also, We may send you a confirmation email when you register with Us. We may send you a service-related announcement on the rare occasions when it is necessary (for example, if we must temporarily suspend our service for maintenance.) . If you submit your email address, We use it to deliver the information to you. We always permit you to unsubscribe or opt out of future emails. Because We have to communicate with you regarding future post updates.
External Use
Except as otherwise set forth below, We do not sell, rent, trade, license or otherwise disclose your specific personal information or financial information to anyone.
We may disclose information to third parties that perform specific functions on Our behalf.  However, We will only disclose the information that is necessary for them to perform their service.
While We will not sell (or trade or rent) personally identifiable information to other companies as part of Our regular course of business. However, it’s possible that We might acquire or merge with or be acquired by another company or that We might dispose of some or all of Our assets. If that happens, your personal information may be disclosed to another company, but that disclosure will be subject to the Privacy Policy in effect.
Data Security
We take reasonable measures, including administrative, technical, and physical safeguards, to protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Updates to this Policy
If We change or update this Privacy Policy, We will post changes and updates on the Site so that you will always be aware of what information We collect, use and disclose. We encourage you to review this Policy from time to time so you will know if the Privacy Policy has been changed or updated. If you have any questions about the Policy, please contact us at